Monday, April 7, 2008

Crusted Tempeh with Avocado-Mango Salsa

Another recipe from the "secret test kitchen." Looking at all the good recipes on the test list, you might be seeing a whole lot of them over the next week! I will have to post a link to the cookbook when it is out, since you'll be wanting to buy it when it comes out. Actually, the author is featured last month over at vegcooking. Ha, checking it out, you can see the recipe at the bottom of her page, along with lots of other yummy ones!

I decided to try this because I had all the ingredients in the fridge--wow! The tempeh is seasoned and fried and then topped with a savory avocado-mango salsa flavored with coconut, lime, and other things (how much can I say? It's a secret test kitchen!). My camera died while I was taking pictures, so boo--the picture is the best of the bad. I also made some giant avocado rolls for DR, since she had to work late and has been waiting for the avocados to be ready for a couple days. She is always in "sushi mode"!


Calimaryn said...

Tempeh scares me as it always tastes mealy to me. But this, this looks so good. I am going to have to give this a try asap.

beeps said...

this recipe was surprisingly not gross! just do it!


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