Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Roasted Fennel and Beet Salad

Yeah, I thought I was nuts too when I came up with this. I had a ton of beets (thanks to Cammers and my CSA box) and some fennel that needed to be eaten, so I thought about what to do with them. I figured I would roast them and add them to some grain dish, similar to how I have dished up roasted veggies in the past. However, when I got my CSA box and it's gallons of salad mixes, I decided to just toss them on top of the lettuce with some dressing. For the dressing, I made the spicy mustard dressing in Veganomicon, subbing in agave for maple syrup. It was fantastic enough that DR ate her beets and then even snunk some into the salad she packed herself for work tomorrow. Winner! I love roasted anythings. Roasted fennel is up there with foods that make me drool.

1 comment:

allularpunk said...

i love beets! but i haven't gotten up the nerve to try fennel yet. i know, i'm a wuss.


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