Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Soyrizo Mac'n'Cheez-o

One of the new items that DR and I have been picking up at the store is Soyrizo, which is essentially a vegan spicy sauage product. It isn't firm and slicable like sausage but it more like really overcooked ground meat. Anyways, it's our new love.

I came up with this dish for dinner because we were hungry and I was feeling lazy. I remember I sent the recipe in to Vegweb, but sadly for you all, you will have to wait until it is posted to find out what exactly went on here. I remember pasta, corn, soyrizo, a can of diced tomatos. Beyond that, I'm not sure. It was a nice quick meal with yummy leftovers, so it might be worth it to keep an eye out for it.

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